Friday Feature Update:
WanderLabs for Agents

By Lina Eroh

One of the biggest differences about WanderLabs is that, with us, a real-time reservation system is just the beginning.

What we're trying to build is an entire ecosystem for tours and activities, making the whole world easier and more powerful for tour operators, travelers, and travel agents alike.

The first step in this process is making your real-time data available to your distribution partners, whether they be agents in Queenstown, online travel agencies, or salespeople in Australia.

We find the old system of calling to check availability and then writing out a voucher for the customer dated at best.

So we've created a way for your agents to book your tours in real-time, automatically updating the availability in your WanderLabs system and shooting the customer a confirmation email with all the information they need to know for the tour.

Not only does this save you both time and money, but it doesn't cost the agents a penny!

So how do you get started?

Like everything else with WanderLabs, it's super easy!

Go to the Manage tab in your WanderLabs dashboard and click on Partners.

WanderLabs Agent Partnerships

From there, you can request a partnership with any existing agents or add a new agent. Then just add your requested commission and a quick note.

WanderLabs Add New Agent

Once you save the request, the agent will receive an email with your information, which they can then accept or reject. They can also suggest a different commission if the one you asked for isn't acceptable for them.

It's as easy as 1-2-3!

If you're an agent who would like to get started with WanderLabs and haven't yet been invited, reach out to us. The whole process takes about two minutes. Once you sign up, you can send partnership requests to any of our tour operators.

Happy selling!
