Dumb It Down! How To Get People To Buy On Your Website

By Lina Eroh

Maybe you're a tour operator who runs such an iconic brand that having the world's worst, ugliest, and most unusable website doesn't matter.

But if you're the 99.99999% of the other, then something you should be familiar with when it comes to your website is the rule of cognitive load.

It may sound theoretical, and it is, but it's also a proven way to make more sales on your website.

Still following?

One of the simplest articles I've found on how cognitive load works with design is Kathryn Whitenton's analysis and explanation.

The takeaway is as follows: The total cognitive load, or amount of mental processing power needed to use your site, affects how easily users find content and complete tasks.

In other words, the easier it is to complete a task, the more likely that that task will be completed.


You know how your computer seems to slow down when you have a bunch of windows open? Well our brains are the same way. They have a limited amount of processing power.

Cognitive Load Blows Minds

When the amount of information and choice in front of us overwhelms our ability to comfortably process it, we freeze.

Whitenton writes: "We may take longer to understand information, miss important details, or even get overwhelmed and abandon the task."

Does your website impose an unnecessary cognitive load on your user?

Here are three golden rules to minimize cognitive load and increase reservations for your tours:

Fun fact: The WanderLabs system was designed with all of these guidelines in mind.

So while the placement of the calendar and the booking button may look arbitrary, it's all backed by science. Which means you can rest easy while WanderLabs works for you!

Are you a tour operator looking for an innovative booking and reservation system? Sign up for WanderLabs now!

Keep wandering!
